Animated logo with custom sound design for an Instagram influencer

The beginnings of the ‘Baby led eating’ instagram account was a bit of an accidental success. The founder, Hannah started it to document her son’s weaning journey - and share recipes with friends online. After a few posts and then logging in a few months later, she found her account following had grown considerably! This was a realisation that parents were hungry (excuse the pun) for the kind of content she was sharing. There were many parents on the same journey as her, that wanted to learn more.
So Baby led eating officially began!
The account to date stands at a grand 133k followers (05/23), with a loyal community that share endlessly helpful info on weaning and child related products, to family days out and ‘the terrible two’s’!
We created this fun stop motion with sound design to celebrate her brand and get back to the roots of where it all began. Food :)
Concept | Stopmotion Animation | Logo Design | Sound Design
The final video
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes - the ‘making of’ the stop motion animation for Baby led eating. At times is was pretty sticky under the studio lights! We wanted to bring the food to life, using energetic movement and expressing vitality in the selection of food we chose to animate.
The account is all about enjoying food in all forms, eating a balanced diet and encouraging children to get involved. Making food fun is the key aspect we felt summed up Baby led eating, and the animation needed to reflect this.
I absolutely love the animated ident Yoke created for me. My page is all about simple child-friendly food ideas and their design matched my brand perfectly! Thank you Maddy and Jamie!
Hannah: Founder of @baby_led_eating